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  • 30/09/2013

    Actually, this item should be called parallel charging cable. Despite a misleading name, the cable itself work very well. I use it with 5x380mAh and imax b6ac charger. Configure the charger to charge 1S batt at 1.9A (5x0.380 = 1.9) and it usually finished within hour. If I'm in a hurry, I can charge at 3.8A (2C) for 5 batteries and I'll be ready to fly in less than 30mins. You can use stock usb charger for X4 but it would takes 4-5 hours since usb charger can output only 500mah.

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  • 26/08/2014

    Great product, but for those of you who might be stupid enough to plug this into the USB charger that came with your copter...DO NOT DO THAT. IF YOU USE THE STOCK USB CHARGER YOUR BATTERIES WILL PUFF AND/OR CATCH FIRE. This requires a good balance lipo charger with variable current setting. Here's how you use it: All batteries are charged in parallel via this cord. If you charge 5x240mAh batteries, you're really charging 1200mAh (1.2A). If you charge 5x500mAh lipos, you're charging 2500mAh (2.5A). And so on. So plug in the number of batteries you want to charge, multiply the capacities together to get the current rating. You'll set your charger to that current at 3.7V for 1s lipos. This should be common sense, but you must use batteries of the SAME capacity when parallel charging or you may create a fire! Hopefully that helps!

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